The prayer room exits to cultivate space for God and God alone in our hearts and our city, because He is worthy. Our mission is to exalt Jesus through worship and prayer, and to offer others a place to pray and to receive prayer. We want to provide a place of rest and resources for those seeking to deepen their relationship with God.
Ways to engage when you are here:
Pray. There are many ways to pray, with and without words. There is no limit to the ways you can pray. Simply put, prayer is our response to the Spirit who is always at work drawing us to the Father. Turn towards Him with your whole heart. You may want to sit, stand, or kneel. You are free to take whatever posture of prayer that you desire. You can find written prayers and prayer practices hanging up in front of the sound booth to use as you engage in prayer.
Journal your thoughts and prayers as you fully open to God. Ask questions like “How is my soul? What do I really, truly desire? Where is God at work in my life?” and see where that leads.
Worship along with the worship leader or music. Engage your own voice… your heart will follow! There is power in singing. “To sing is to pray twice.” ~ St. Augustine
Read the Word. Meditate on it. Read for transformation rather than information. The Bible is much deeper than it is long. Receive God’s specific word to you today and commit to follow it. We offer four ways of meditating on Scripture throughout the week that you are welcome to join! If you don’t know where to start, take a list of the weekly lectionary readings hanging up in front of the sound booth, along with a simple meditation guide, and begin there.
Spiritual Readings. You are welcome to read any of the books we have out in the front room on the bookshelves or bring your own book to read for edification.
In all that you do, please be honoring of the space we have cultivated for God and honoring of your fellow brothers and sisters who are also seeking God in prayer.
When you are here, please do not hesitate to reach out to our staff (the person at the front desk or anyone wearing a name-tag) for prayer or you can leave a request in the brown box on the front desk. Additionally, you can email to set up a prayer appointment.
We hope that you feel welcome and that you will return as often as you like. The Father’s arms are always open.